
Love Song’s Jess Kohl Helms an Ad Age Creativity Editor’s Pick

September 9, 2024

The best thing about Las Vegas is there truly are no judgments. Whatever you’re there to do is fine. And as a new tourism campaign for the city suggests, you should just “go all out.”

It’s not a new message exactly—rather, it’s a fresh framing of the city’s classic “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.” It’s memorably brought to life in a 60-second spot, directed by Jess Kohl, that profiles many of the characters who descend upon the city—whether for sports, gambling, business, food, music ... or just to fly their freak flag.

The spot has great energy and style, driven by the makeup, costuming and effortless cool of the soundtrack (Nick Shoulders’ “Too Old to Dream”). It’s nice and self-aware as well, with the quiet elevator moment capturing actually what it feels like to be heading out into this grand adult playground.

This is the first Vegas spot from longtime agency R&R Partners since Chuck Monn joined the agency earlier this year as chief creative officer.

Las Vegas means different things to different people, but what’s great is that every one of those things is magical,” said Monn. “Our goal was to celebrate the diversity of experiences the destination has to offer, amplifying the thrill of fandom in all of its forms. Whether you’re coming to Vegas for music, food, entertainment or sports, the event is just the pregame, so the important thing is to go all out … and to have fun.”

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